Kickin’ It Old Skool Blog-a-thon Day Three: Sharing Colours

A housekeeping note: Thank you to those who have read and/or commented. I am planning to have a long reading/commenting session later this week when I come up for air! I am really looking forward to getting to know you! 

I love this prompt! There was a 90s tv show called In Living Color, and the theme song had line: “You can do what you want to do….In living color.” 

[ RED ]

  1. What’s the first thing you think of when you think of red? my son’s red polo shirts. he’s worn one for every school picture except one. 
  2. Closest red thing to you? A metal snowman candleholder
  3. What is the last thing that made you angry? my inability to stau focused and commited to a goal
  4. Are you a fan of romance? not really
  5. Do you have a temper? yes


  1. What’s the first thing you think of when you think of green? living mindfully and treading lightly on the earth
  2. Closest green thing to you? the fuzzy blanket I curled up in with my daughter to read stories
  3. What’s your favourite green environment? Gallup Park
  4. Are you jealous of anyone right now? Yes. Not something I’m proud of.
  5. Are you a lucky person? This is complicated. I think I am lucky, but what I think I’m actually doing is discounting my agency, actions, and behaviors that lead to the outcomes I desire. I chalk things up to luck instead of giving myself the credit (for better or worse).


  1. What’s the first thing you think of when you think of purple? Prince (the singer)
  2. Closest purple thing to you? my phone and my dining room
  3. Do you like being treated like royalty? no. i identify much more closely with those who serve than those who are served.
  4. Do you like mysterious things? no.
  5. Are you intuitive? no. i wish i was.

[ BLUE ]

  1. What’s the first thing you think of when you think of blue? the sky
  2. Closest blue thing to you? my son’s baseball cap
  3. Are you good at calming people down? NO
  4. What’s your favourite body of water (i.e. lake, ocean, etc)? Lake Michigan
  5. What was the last thing that made you cry? feeling overwhelmed about my life
  6. Are you a logical thinker? yes. but an emotional decision maker


  1. What’s the first thing you think of when you think of yellow? the sun
  2. Closest yellow thing to you? canister of cleaning wipes
  3. What was one of the happiest times of your life? going to New Edition concerts
  4. What’s your favourite holiday? Christmas
  5. What makes you happy? Watching or listening to my kids interact with each other. Each of those moments is a building block in their relationship. As an only child, I love the relationship my kids have and it makes me happy to see it deepen and grow as they get older. The thought of them having a history that someone else was present for is so special to me!

[ PINK ]

  1. What’s the first thing you think of when you think of pink? 4 year old girls
  2. Closest pink thing to you? my 4 yr old’s winter coat
  3. What sweet things do you like? candy, cookies, cupcakes
  4. Are you sensitive? yes
  5. What is your favourite flower? calla lillies
  6. Does you have a crush on someone? yes


  1. What’s the first thing you think of when you think of orange? my mom
  2. Closest orange thing to you? tortilla chips bag
  3. Do you dress up for Halloween? no
  4. What gives you the warm fuzzies? watching my family interact lovingly with each other 
  5. What would your superpower be? the ability to calm myself and others down and bring us into the moment.


  1. What’s the first thing you think of when you think of brown?
  2. Closest brown thing to you? the table on which I am working
  3. What is your favourite type of chocolate? dark with nuts, cherries or caramel
  4. What makes you feel grounded? my husband
  5. Paint the wood or always leave it au naturel? au naturel


  1. What’s the first thing you think of when you think of white? snow (it’s winter where i live.)
  2. Closest white thing to you? metal snowman candleholder
  3. Do you always try to keep the peace? in theory, not so much in practice.
  4. Do you like to play in the snow? when i finally get out there, yes.
  5. Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentist? no


  1. What’s the first thing you think of when you think of black? night
  2. Closest black thing to you? my laptop
  3. Are you sophisticated or silly? silly
  4. Do you have a lot of secrets? yes
  5. What’s the new black? “Black is this year’s pink.” (Glinda from Wicked)

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